Schools... remember school lunch? What one was your favorite? Did you have a favorite lunch lady too? The logistics required for having hot and cold lunch options for multiple lunch periods are almost mind-boggling. (I never thought of HOW school lunch got there at the time, just was very happy that I got to eat it!) The food deliveries all need secure storage before prep and cooking and then after for leftovers. All our doors have locking options that keep the nosy out and let the employees in; wash-down packages help keep the door looking new after the clean-up is finished too. We also provide the doors for District Warehouses.
As times have changed, our R-Plus Cold Storage Doors have changed too. How? One way is that we have tested new polyurethane insulations and subsequently moved them into our production, helping to protect the environment and hold down expensive energy costs..
We designed and implemented a new hinge for swing doors that will adjust for variances in walk-in cooler's and freezer's measurements after installation, when it is too late to correct for a proper and energy-efficient seal. This same adjustable hinge saves the day when an older walk-in cooler or freezer begins to settle causing the doors to sag.