Correctional Facilities
This is an interesting industry... keeping the general populace safe and those incarcerated safe from each other and feeding them 3X/day. That's a big job and sometimes the help are the inmates. Most are there to serve their time and rejoin society but some are looking for tools, opportunities and other things that could be considered valuable. How can a new door help? We have lots of ultra secure options to insure that A) your coolers/freezers/pantries are secure and food budget is kept in line and B) your coolers/freezers/pantries are not used for any other purpose. C) doors are made of metal and bits of metal that, in the wrong hands, can be dangerous. Yep, security and tamperproof doors can be essential. We can prvide a regular cooler or freezer door in secure areas. We can re-inforce the doors at the corners or all the way around. We can even weld the hinges to the surfac of the door and provide break away bolts.
As times have changed, our R-Plus Cold Storage Doors have changed too. How? One way is that we have tested new polyurethane insulations and subsequently moved them into our production, helping to protect the environment and hold down expensive energy costs.
We designed and implemented a new hinge for swing doors that will adjust for variances in walk-in cooler's and freezer's measurements after installation, when it is too late to correct for a proper and energy-efficient seal. This same adjustable hinge saves the day when an older walk-in cooler or freezer begins to settle causing the doors to sag.