Contractors are the lifeblood of an economy. They build the new businesses that increase the growth and tax base in every town, city, county and state. Sometimes the contractors need to replace a door too. We can help with that with our Retro-fit capable swing doors and other options. Are you assembling a bid? Let our numbers and service speak for themselves. Our doors are easy to install with simplified instructions. We stand behind our products with a 1 & 5 year warranty.
As times have changed, our R-Plus Cold Storage Doors have changed too. How? One way is that we have tested new polyurethane insulations and subsequently moved them into our production, helping to protect the environment and hold down expensive energy costs.
We designed and implemented a new hinge for swing doors that will adjust for variances in walk-in cooler's and freezer's measurements after installation, when it is too late to correct for a proper and energy-efficient seal. This same adjustable hinge saves the day when an older walk-in cooler or freezer begins to settle and the doors sag with that settling.